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Je leest nu alle berichten van "Caatje"
Volg datum > Datum: donderdag 24 juli 2008, 21:3824-7-08 21:38 Nr:134441
Volg auteur > Van: Caatje Opwaarderen Re:134435
Volg onderwerp > Onderwerp: Re: Verslag zes weken Parellicursus: Nathalie in Colorado Structuur


1277 berichten
sinds 25-11-2004
Nathalie Lagasse schreef op donderdag 24 juli 2008, 21:08:

> Eventjes kort, want ik kreeg vragen over mijn lease-horse. Zap
> is een quarter horse, hij heeft dus dikke billen en een klein
> hoofdje met kleine oortjes. Het is een vos met een witte streep

> aangeraakt te worden met mijn
> plastic-zak-aan-het-eind-van-mijn-stick, het wordt pas
> griezelig wanneer de zak op de grond ligt! Rare beesten,
> paarden ;-)
Supe leuk, je verslagen Nathalie, wat zul je met een hoop goede bagage straks weer thuiskomen..............geniet ze daar!

My best whisper is a thought
Volg datum > Datum: vrijdag 25 juli 2008, 9:3725-7-08 09:37 Nr:134461
Volg auteur > Van: Caatje Opwaarderen
Volg onderwerp > Onderwerp: ohlala Structuur


1277 berichten
sinds 25-11-2004
't mot toch niet veel gekker worden :

My best whisper is a thought
Volg datum > Datum: vrijdag 25 juli 2008, 9:4425-7-08 09:44 Nr:134462
Volg auteur > Van: Caatje Opwaarderen
Volg onderwerp > Onderwerp: nog zo'n uitvinding Structuur


1277 berichten
sinds 25-11-2004
Zoiets als de hoorarmor en kleischoenen van Ramey en De Leeuw?

What is Sole-Guard?
Sole-Guard is a fast setting, 30 second, liquid urethane hoof protection material providing a durable, shock absorbent, support that retains its shape and flexibility indefinitely. Sole-Guard is designed for use without shoes and adheres to the sole sealing out moisture and debris, protecting both the frog and the sole. Once removed Sole-Guard will leave the sole in excellent condition.
When should I use Sole-Guard?
Sole-Guard is perfect for providing protection for horses without shoes when riding rough terrain, horses transitioning from shoes to bare feet and for late term broodmares who need that extra support.
How long does it take Sole-Guard to set?
Sole-Guard has an initial set time of 30 seconds with a final cure around 5-6 minutes.
How do I remove Sole-Guard from the foot?
You can remove Sole-Guard from the foot by using a hoof pick, or a pair of pull-offs. As the sole grows and exfoliates, the material will loosen up after several weeks.
Can Sole-Guard be filled to ground level?
Sole-Guard should be filled to ground level but not above that point. If filled above ground level, the horse is likely to "catch" the material at the toe and pull it out. Most often you will want to fill to the white line.
Does Sole-Guard give off heat as it sets?
Sole-Guard gives off little to no heat while curing. In the summer you will notice a bit of heat but nothing that can harm the sole.
Does the material change shape over time?
No, once set Sole-Guard will retain its shape until you remove it.
How long will Sole-Guard stay in the foot?
It all depends on the conditions you are in and the activity level of your horse. On horses that are used regularly, you should be getting 3 weeks on average out of an application.
Can this be used as a "spare tire" on the trail?
Most definitely. Sole-Guard can be applied to a foot that has thrown a shoe. Simply brush any dirt from the sole, make sure it is dry and apply. See the application directions for this technique.
How do you apply Sole-Guard to the sole?
Please refer to the application pages on the web site. It's fast and easy.
Do I have to use the plastic during application?
The use of the Contouring Plastic makes it very easy to see where the material is being spread and it does not stick to the Sole-Guard material. In a pinch you can use other flexible materials but they will probably adhere to the material and have to be worn off.
How long do I have to hold up the foot?
Normally only for about one minute. It will be weight bearing in about 30 seconds but we recommend giving it another 30 seconds or so before you put the foot down.

My best whisper is a thought
Volg datum > Datum: vrijdag 25 juli 2008, 9:4425-7-08 09:44 Nr:134463
Volg auteur > Van: Caatje Opwaarderen Re:134462
Volg onderwerp > Onderwerp: Re: nog zo'n uitvinding Structuur


1277 berichten
sinds 25-11-2004
Caatje schreef op vrijdag 25 juli 2008, 9:44:

> Zoiets als de hoorarmor en kleischoenen van Ramey en De Leeuw?
moet natuurlijk "hoofarmor" zijn
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