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Je leest nu onderwerp "horse revolution!"
Volg datum > Datum: dinsdag 16 mei 2006, 22:1716-5-06 22:17 Nr:49563
Volg auteur > Van: Sky Opwaarderen Re:49247
Volg onderwerp > Onderwerp: Re: horse revolution! Structuur


Jarig op 19-9

552 berichten
sinds 2-2-2006

Horses are happy at our place.
Every one of them has his own warm large winter stall in a warm stable and a summer shelter with a personal paddock and an access to a big garden.
I live in the North-West part of St.Petersburg. There’re no fields around here, there’re only high Russian forests.

That’s why some years ago we granted to the horses a large paled park with ponds and alleys.

Naturally, they have already almost destroyed it, but something has remained still untouched there. The horses stay outdoors twenty-four hours a day in spring, summer and autumn, and for 10-12 hours in winter.

Volg datum > Datum: dinsdag 16 mei 2006, 22:5416-5-06 22:54 Nr:49566
Volg auteur > Van: eddy DRUPPEL Opwaarderen Re:49563
Volg onderwerp > Onderwerp: Re: horse revolution! Structuur

Jarig op 18-4

10699 berichten
sinds 26-3-2006
Sky schreef op dinsdag 16 mei 2006, 22:17:

> Horses are happy at our place.

> twenty-four hours a day in spring, summer and autumn, and for
> 10-12 hours in winter.
> Nevzorov

Voila niet binnen enfin bijna nooit niet ;-)
Je leest nu onderwerp "horse revolution!"
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